
Defeat Never Never Land

...Strong wind blew in their faces just like depression punching their faith.
Ken shouted: "why are we here?" Bo answered: "To strengthen our minds and bodies!" Ken shouted again: "bullshit!! i want to give up!" they had a quarrel with each other. After the fight they decided to split up. Ken ran eastwards with his upset mind while Bo ran westwards with his anger.

There was an extreme running race held every year. Thus Ken and Bo participated in the game. They had had huge confidence to win the race 3 days ago. Actually, they just won the "through the south pole" game 6 months ago. Would they fail this time?

3 days later, Ken dehydrated. he was in a dangerous situation. He thought he might die under the burning sun. He lay down in his simple camp without hope but despite their argument it seemed there was some telepathic bound between them. Bo felt something. He ran for 2days and found water. He knew he would finish the game and win the price. But Bo could not leave his partner. He decided to go back in order to find Ken because he had the strong feeling that Ken was suffering. He ran through endless desert and fought with the cruel sun. After hundreds of kilometres, he found Ken in a tattered dirty camp that was covered in sand and Ken was almost dead as well as dull and dry.

Bo kept on calling Ken:" Ken , are you there ? Are you alright?" and kept on digging for Ken who was buried under the hot heavy yellow sand. Ken could not believe that someone called his name. It was just like a weak light passing through a deep dark adyss. He used his last energy to yell:" Here!!...I...". He wanted to yell more and more words but he could not do it. Eventually, Bo heard that. Bo heard the sound which was almost blown away by the wind. He dug more and harder. When he saw Ken's face, he prayed that Ken was still alive. He dug Ken out and held him tightly. He whispered beside Ken's ear:"I am here, Ken!! We are alive!!!"

After he had given him first aid, Bo didn't expect that the situation was so terrible. He checked his backpack. There was only water for 5 days, a dozen chocolate bars, 11 fish cans and 2 emergency medication boxes. He had to decide which way was more safely. Was it safer to go to the destination of the game or to find an oasis? This difficult choice made him had a anxious. Ken saw Bo's worried face and said:" What's wrong, Bo?" Bo did not want Ken to Know that they had supply problems. Bo lied:" Nothing!! Everything is under control!!" To be honest, Ken knew it was just a friendly lie.


19. Feb Emphasize

A: Did you enjoy your holiday, then?

B: Yes, it was absolutely wonderful.

A: Great!

B: At the first hotel we stayed in, they put us in a room having a sea view, which was exactly what we wanted.

A: Nice, what about the little island you went to? That must have been absolutely quite and it’s supposed to be very beautiful, isn’t it?

B: That’s exactly what we thought before we went and we liked it. The beaches were absolutely amazing, and there was all beautiful sight in the evening. We were there just for a couple of days before we went back to the mainland and rented a luxury cottage.

A: Wow, was that other better?

B: Yes, there is anything you want just in the cottage.

A: Didn’t you go there for the bird sanctuary, though?

B: Yes, actually we spent a couple of days bird watching, and that was by far the most interesting part of the holiday.

A: Perhaps you should go there again next year.

Cottage – a small house, especially in the country

Loaf – an amount of bread that has been shaped and baked in one piece

Sanctuary – an area where birds or animals are protected and encouraged to breed

19. Feb Vocabulary: collocations (body)

1. Hold your breath when you are feeling anxious.

2. Drum your fingers when you are impatient.

3. Shrug your shoulders when you don’t care.

4. Wrinkle your nose when something smells bad.

5. Crack your knuckles to annoy other people.

6. Purse your lips when you are annoyed.

7. Clench your fist when you are angry.

8. Twist your ankle if you step awkwardly while walking on rough ground.

9. Pull a muscle while playing a sport e.g. football

10. Raise your eyebrows to show disagreement.

11. Shake your head in disbelief.

12. Lick your lips when something is tasty.

Anxious – feeling worried or nervous

Shrug – to raise your shoulders and then lower them to show that you do not know or care about sth

Wrinkle – to make the skin or your face tighten into lines or folds; to form lines or folds in this way

Knuckle – any of the joints in the fingers, especially those connecting the fingers to the rest of the hand

Annoy – to make sb slightly angry; to make sb uncomfortable or unable to relax

Purse – a small bag made of leather, plastic, etc. for carrying coins and often also paper money, cards, etc. used especially by women; to form your lips into a small tight round shape, for example to show disapproval

Clench – when you clench your hand, teeth, etc. or when they clench, you press or squeeze them together tightly, usually showing that you are angry, determined or upset

Fist – a hand when it is tightly closed with the finger bent into the PALM

Twist – to bend or turn sth into a particular shape; to injure part of your body, especially your ankle, wrist or knee, bending it in an awkward way

Ankle – the joint connecting the foot to the leg

Awkwardly – make you feel embarrassed; difficult or dangerous because of its shape or design

Rough – having a surface that is not even or regular

Eyebrow – the line of hair above eye



Not a sound from the pavement
Has the moon lost her memory?
She is smiling alone
In the lamplight
The withered leaves collect at my feet
And the wind begins to moan

All alone in the moonlight
I can smile at the old days
Life was beautiful then
I remember
The time I knew what happiness was
Let the memory live again

Every street lamp
Seems to beat
A fatalistic warning
Someone mutters
And a street lamp gutters
And soon it will be morning

I must wait for the sunrise
I must think of a new life
And I mustn't give in
When the dawn comes
Tonight will be a memory too
And a new day will begin

Burnt out ends of smoky days
The stale cold smell of morning
The street lamp dies
Another night is over
Another day is dawning

Touch me
It's so easy to leave me
All alone with my memory
Of my days in the sun
If you touch me
You'll understand what happiness is
Look a new day has begun ...

Pavement – a flat part at the side of road for people walk on

Lamplight – light from a lamp

Withered – dried up and dead plants; looking old because they are thin and weak and have very dry skin

Moan – to make a long deep sound, usually expressing unhappiness, suffering or sexual pleasure

Lamp – a device that electricity, oil or gas to produce light

Beat – to defeat sb in a game or competition; to avoid sth; to hit sb/sth many times, usually very hard

Fatalistic – showing a belief in fate and feeling that you can’t control events or stop them from happening

Mutter – to speak or say sth in a quiet voice that is difficult to hear, especially because you are annoyed about sth

Gutter – (of a flame or candle)to burn in an unsteady way

Give in – to admit that you have been defeated by sb/sth; to agree to do sth that you do not want to do

Dawn – the time of day when light first appears




打零工以後才發現要聽懂多樣英語人種的英文還真是困難,各種口音都有,還要懂得猜猜看,在英文還不太好的狀況下,常常有牛頭不對馬嘴的狀況,客人要GOLD(澳洲啤酒),你會拿COKE給他@@,客人說「What snacks do you have?」,你會先想到「snakes?」然後又自作聰明的回答「Just one kind of snickers here」..............,當場就留下一隻烏鴉飛過那個阿兜仔的頭上,甚至連個sea sick都不知道是什麼了@@,很多單字都知道,可是當外國人稀哩呼嚕一股腦的把幾十個字丟到你耳裡時,那些單字就巧妙的消失在你的腦海中了。。。




回程的時候,撇見True Clown Fish,也就是真的Nemo,馬上衝過去好好端詳一番,有種感覺浮上心頭,Finding Nemo的小丑魚比較好看耶!!!!哈哈。。。儘管如此,他還是所有小丑魚裡面最好看的了。。

max 16.9m

max 6.9m






  • 開始記不得所有發生的事情,一切的一切,越來越變成理所當然,習慣走左邊,習慣騎腳踏車通勤,習慣在腦裡執行中英文切換,習慣早餐只吃喜瑞兒加蜂蜜加牛奶,習慣你所有遇到的人,最重要的是,下午上課開始會想睡覺,這。。。。可表示你真的真的真的已經習慣了目前的生活了。
  • 得知可以轉換班級還蠻高興的,因為這象徵了英文進步囉!!加油加油!!
  • 新暱稱「Heart Breaker」,當你跟每個女性朋友說:「I have a girlfriend in Taiwan」時,你就會得到這個暱稱。不過很多男性朋友會說:「You are idiot!」
  • 忘記把你喜歡的音樂帶著到這荒郊野嶺,你會很痛苦,例如忘記帶「歌劇魅影」「貓」「五月天」。。。
  • 再次租車到處玩耍,德國友人很喜歡開車,要不就是不信任我的開車技術,連續兩週,都是他開全程。。。
  • 週六約了一位韓國男同學(Jony),兩位韓國女同學(Julie, Sunny),一起分擔油錢到鱷魚農場觀光。
  • 鱷魚大嘴巴咬合的聲音會讓你難以忘記,你有聽過裝鑽石戒指的盒子蓋起來的聲音嗎?別不相信,真的就是那個聲音。。。。
  • 凱恩斯(Cairns)到道格拉斯港(Port Douglas)沿路上的海灘風景很漂亮,只是Julie整路在提醒著Jan目前速限多少@@,而這三位韓國同學通通暈車。。。。



有誰家後院這麼大呢?Jan在澳洲的朋友,第一次看到外國的有錢人,後院有天母棒球場的外野大,延伸出去竟然是個湖,他說這邊的地都是他的,包含這個湖的一部分@@,在這個房子裡他有Benz, 1500 horse power Jet Ski, Fishing Boat, yacht, camp van.他說這些是他的小玩具。。。。

在凱恩斯他有房子,在palm cove他有房子,在布里斯本他有房子,澳洲有一半人抽的香煙是他公司出品的,可是他卻從不抽煙,我有點不高興的問他:「You sell people cigarette and you think cigarette is a poison?」,他有成功的事業,可是卻有一個當傭兵,一個不成材的兒子,而且還互不來往。雖然很羨慕他的後院有天母棒球場的外野大,打從心底卻不會想讓自己的未來像他一樣。。。目前認識他不深,用一知半解的英文理解出上述文字,若有錯誤,敬請諒解。。。



My teacher, Junta, said that she will let me upgrade to higher level class about two days ago. I am glad that my English has been improved but I like those classmates in this class. If I go to the other class, I have to alienate those classmates gradually. This made me feel sad.
Because my English was improved, I want to challenge TOEIC. At the same time, one of my classmates, Hideki, invited me to join TOEIC course in the afternoon of every day. If I decide to join TOEIC course, I think I will not have enough time to maintain my blog.



該怎麼說這十四天呢?半個月,不長,卻可以讓你想很多很多事情,想你在這異地做什麼,想你未來要怎樣消費光陰,想你在國高中就學過的英文文法,想你該怎樣聽懂電視新聞,都只是想而已,距離完成,還得倒數個好幾百萬秒呢!正常而規律的生活,讓你可以專注於學習某件事情, 而花大錢可以讓你在沒有壓力的狀態下學習某件事情,綜合了這兩種因素,你的生命勢必改變。


Jan.28~Feb.4 本週總結

  • 第二次的大堡礁潛水,總算是替這世界知名潛水聖地,爭回了小小小點的顏面。
  • 德國室友Jan,很愛喝熱巧克力,跟他解釋我可憐的胃已經不能在容納巧克力了,他回我:「Doctor is bullshit!」,Bullshit名言再次出爐。一杯3.50澳幣的熱巧克力,他請了我兩次,Macciato一次,Cappuccino一次。
  • 上超市採買,還是香蕉最便宜,還買了個特價salad(3.9澳幣)當作午餐,跟德國室友Jan對分,吃了兩餐還有剩。
  • 學校每個星期都有新學生,這星期來了三個新學生,Elodi is French, Comila is Brazilian, Kohei is Japanese.
  • 目前學校教的英文文法,基本上都是國中高中學過的東西,只是要應用在英文上面,煞是困難呀!!!!!
  • 學校網路頻寬不大,速度超慢。。。。
  • 來兩個星期了,還是無法聽懂電視新聞,給他有點小挫折。。。。
  • 跟Jan一起租了車,花了147澳幣,到處亂晃了三天,雖然貴了點,不過是新車,有空調,還是不錯的啦!
  • 去到著名的Palm Cove,確實是Cairns地區的最佳沙灘,長長的沙灘配上棕櫚樹,慵懶閒逸瞬間瀰漫心頭。
  • 拜訪了Jan在澳洲的朋友,第一次看到外國的有錢人,後院有天母棒球場的外野大,延伸出去竟然是個湖,他說這邊的地都是他的,包含這個湖的一部分@@,在這個房子裡他有Benz, 1500 horse power Jet Ski, Fishing Boat, yacht, camp van.他說這些是他的小玩具。。。。
  • 一日遊了Tablelands,Atherton,去了詭異的Trapical Rainforest,聽森林中各種昆蟲詭異的聲響,看著盤根錯節的詭異大樹,嗯。。。。我一定不適合這種地方。。。
  • 同學們辦了個小派對,有法國沙拉,韓國烤肉,德國啤酒,澳洲紅酒,還有國際性的國王與我遊戲。。。玩了才知道,其實不熟,大家玩起來都很保守@@。


English Note

syllables - How many times the intonation/sound changes when you speak.
deciphering - Hear some sentence. Wrote it down and understand.

a - indefinite article Not clearly defined

  • She has a house in Cairns.
  • Can I have a burger please.

an - used with vowels. a.e.i.o.u
except university, universe -> "Y - Sound"

the - definite article
  • The flat (Her flat) is very nice
  • The chicken sandwich is very tasty.
  • The Thames, The times, The Lagoon -> only 1 of

No Article - thing in general
  • I have sugar in my tea.
  • Books are expensive.
At - time of Day, expression, as a point
On - for days & date, as a surface
In - longer periods(months,years,seasons,etc.)
- An area
- how long to do something(in 4 months, in 2 years, etc.)
  • The baby arrived at 9 p.m. on December 25th
  • I'll come in 5 minutes.
Don't use at/on/in before last/next/this/every
Time in the future. In a few minutes, in 6 months

go/come/travel to a place/event
go to American
Return to Cairns
Drive to the airport

Into - entering a room/building/a car

Comparatives - Comparing between 2.
.......er, bigger, sadder
Superlatives - 3 or more things.
.......est, biggest, saddest

- used to indicate the amount/quantity of something referred to by a noun.
- Uncountable : nouns don't have plural forms, You don't use a/an with uncountable nouns.
- Countable nouns can form into plural by adding ...s
- Comparative adjectives + than
- Superlative the most, highest, oldest, etc.

as__as, the same (as), like
- compare people/things that are similar in some way. "as" as an adjective/verb.
  • You are as bad as your sister.
- make a negative comparison using "not as __ as" or "not so __ as"
  • It wasn't as good as last night.
  • He is not so old as I thought.
- use adverbs "almost, just, nearly or quite" in front of as __ as
  • He was almost as fast as th winner.
  • I was just as sick as my brother.
  • I was nearly as tall as my mother.

- slightly = very little = a little bit
- much = a lot __ = a lot higher
- a bit
a little bit = size small
a bit bigger = size larger
  • I have a lot of ideas.
  • I have lots of ideas.





這次潛水雖然比昨天的貴了許多,不過整體價值來說還是值得的,船的設備新,提供的食物比較好,最重要的是潛點也比較棒。感覺起來,這艘船可是純白人旅遊團咧,整艘傳上只有三個亞洲人,就是我跟那兩位日本妹妹,都是經過同一個仲介介紹來的,那個仲介說他自己是Diving Master,不過一下海,就知道是個吹牛仙,最後一隻氣瓶,還迷路,請那位日本教練妹帶路回去咧!@@原本跟我說導潛免費,後來也變成沒有,本來跟我說他也是這艘船的員工,搞了半天是第一次上這艘船,真是令人暈眩的一個傢伙。

max 16.7m

max 10m

max 20m

Push Bike

Push Bike,很生動的名詞,意思就是用腳推的兩輪無動力裝置,得花260元台幣才可以租一個星期,應該算是便宜了。。



相關資訊:Cairns Esplanade